Digital Age Solution brought one local pediatrician’s office into the Digital Age with DAS VOIP and an upgraded network this week.
“Our bill went down and this system is so much more powerful,” the office manager exclaimed as we demonstrated their new DAS VOIP Cloud PBX.
DAS VOIP’s Cloud PBX provides a robust phone system that is housed on our servers. This allows customers to free up space, save on electricity, and not worry about equipment in their office. The system includes voicemail, virtual attendants, time-based routing, caller id routing, unified communications, and so much more.
It also provides disaster recovery and flexibility. Our customers can connect their phones to any Internet connection and get online, or use our ClickConnex App on their smartphones.
The pediatrician’s office staff quickly learned how efficient the system is in their daily routines. Transferring calls, accessing messages, and visualizing phone calls on the DAS VOIP web site are very easy. Time-based rules eliminated having to transfer calls to the phone service, or switching messages at lunch time and the end of the day.
If you’d like to see how we can save you time and money, contact us for a Digital Age Solution!

Michael Kuster opened Digital Age Solution in 2005 after managing Information Technology for various government agencies for many years. Before taking on this venture full-time, he operated a web site design and hosting company, KusterNet, for a decade. After being asked by web site customers to manage and maintain their computers, KusterNet became Digital Age Solution.
Mike maintains a hands-on, active role in the management and delivery of service to customers at Digital Age Solution. Rather than sitting behind a desk, he can often be found running cable on telephone poles, fixing computers on-site, and providing one-on-one support to customers.
Mike lives in Walkersville, Maryland with his wife and three children. He actively serves as a volunteer and board member for several non-profits including 4-H, Federated Charities, and the Town of Walkersville.