Did you know that Digital Age Solution offers telephone service through our DAS VOIP product?
Voice Over IP (VOIP) offers a lot of advantages for customers. Telephone traffic is routed through the Internet to you. So, your phone isn’t tied to your house, or even your cell phone.
With DAS VOIP, we offer a host of solutions to keep you connected wherever you are. You can pick-up your phone and take it with you on vacation. You can use your smart phone to make and receive calls using your DAS VOIP phone number. You can have your number ring to multiple phones all at once or in a sequence.
DAS offers all of the premium features that other phone companies offer, and more. Our Voice to Text feature transcribes voicemail messages and sends them by e-mail or text message. Our mobile app for iPhone and Android lets you manage your phone service wherever you go.
Don’t worry about losing your phone number.. You can keep your local number, get a new local number, or get a number from some other location. We are not restricted by your zip code or anything else. If you want a number for every state, we can do that.
Best of all, you get the reliability and service of a local company. You can come to our store and talk to us. We can come to your location and help you. When you call 301-662-7386, you are talking to someone who lives and works in Frederick County, Maryland.

Michael Kuster opened Digital Age Solution in 2005 after managing Information Technology for various government agencies for many years. Before taking on this venture full-time, he operated a web site design and hosting company, KusterNet, for a decade. After being asked by web site customers to manage and maintain their computers, KusterNet became Digital Age Solution.
Mike maintains a hands-on, active role in the management and delivery of service to customers at Digital Age Solution. Rather than sitting behind a desk, he can often be found running cable on telephone poles, fixing computers on-site, and providing one-on-one support to customers.
Mike lives in Walkersville, Maryland with his wife and three children. He actively serves as a volunteer and board member for several non-profits including 4-H, Federated Charities, and the Town of Walkersville.