A ship engine failed, NO ONE could fix it.
Then they brought in a man with 40 yrs. on the job. He inspected the engine carefully.
Then reached into his bag & pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped a spot.
Immediately, the engine rocked into life.
It was fixed!
Seven days later, the owners got his bill for $10,000.
‘What?!’ the owners exclaimed. ‘He scarcely did anything.’ They asked for an itemized bill.
His response:
“Tapping with a hammer = $2
Knowing where to tap = $9,998”
Don’t Ever Underestimate Experience!

Michael Kuster opened Digital Age Solution in 2005 after managing Information Technology for various government agencies for many years. Before taking on this venture full-time, he operated a web site design and hosting company, KusterNet, for a decade. After being asked by web site customers to manage and maintain their computers, KusterNet became Digital Age Solution.
Mike maintains a hands-on, active role in the management and delivery of service to customers at Digital Age Solution. Rather than sitting behind a desk, he can often be found running cable on telephone poles, fixing computers on-site, and providing one-on-one support to customers.
Mike lives in Walkersville, Maryland with his wife and three children. He actively serves as a volunteer and board member for several non-profits including 4-H, Federated Charities, and the Town of Walkersville.