Today, DAS offers customers a telephone solution to eliminate any equipment on-site with lots of added benefits to being in the cloud. The features and savings of DAS VOIP only require a broadband Internet connection.
Voice Over IP (VOIP) has changed telephone service around the globe. Yet, many business still use Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS).
If your business uses voicemail and extensions, you are using a Private Branch Exchange (PBX). Most businesses are still using an old PBX that works the same as it did decades ago. They have lots of expensive equipment in a closet, and have to pay a phone service company to make any and all changes.
Some business have a hybrid of POTS lines connected to a VOIP PBX. Digital Age Solution has installed these for customers over the years.
DAS Cloud PBX moves all of the equipment to the cloud. You only need a VOIP phone, or a softphone on your computer or smartphone. Once programmed by DAS, that phone or app is a live extension wherever you plug it into the Internet. That provides real disaster recovery, because you are not tied to the phone lines in your building.
Best of all, the DAS Cloud PBX is easy to use and manage. You can set-up Auto-Attendants, voicemail, call forwarding, and unified communications in your web browser.
Our reliable, feature-rich hosted phone services adjust as you need them to. We make it easy for our customers to deploy the communication apps and solutions that your business needs, creating an in-office experience right at your fingertips, wherever you are on whichever device you choose. Commonly used features include: full call center capabilities, listen live, find me follow me and more.
Mobility is paramount in today’s business world. DAS VOIP keeps your company connected with a wide array of mobile features—from simultaneous ring to remote call control to help you conduct business anywhere through any device.
We’re here to support your business at every level with our local, personable support team. We’ll help you with your specific needs and concerns, while giving you personalized customer support you won’t find anywhere else.
Digital Age Solution will come out to your location to develop a custom DAS VOIP solution for you. We’ll check your Internet connections and provide an on-site demonstration of just how easy and feature-rich our product can be for your business.

Michael Kuster opened Digital Age Solution in 2005 after managing Information Technology for various government agencies for many years. Before taking on this venture full-time, he operated a web site design and hosting company, KusterNet, for a decade. After being asked by web site customers to manage and maintain their computers, KusterNet became Digital Age Solution.
Mike maintains a hands-on, active role in the management and delivery of service to customers at Digital Age Solution. Rather than sitting behind a desk, he can often be found running cable on telephone poles, fixing computers on-site, and providing one-on-one support to customers.
Mike lives in Walkersville, Maryland with his wife and three children. He actively serves as a volunteer and board member for several non-profits including 4-H, Federated Charities, and the Town of Walkersville.